Supporting our Frontline Workers

Frontline workers and professionals continued to protect and care for the rest of us during the COVID-19 outbreak. We are here today because of their work. To show our gratitude and support them in their post COVID-19 recovery, participating RCRT™s across Canada will be offering discounted reflexology sessions to all frontline workers once services have resumed in their respective provinces.
Wellness from the Ground Up is offering discounted reflexology sessions ($50/1hour session) for frontline workers (up to a maximum of 5 sessions). Available to the following frontline workers:
Daycare Workers
Delivery Personnel (Food, Mail, Etc)
Grocery Store Workers
Medical Technicians
Personal Service Workers/Home Care workers
Police Officers
Respiratory Therapists
Sanitation Workers
Mental Health Workers
Please contact me at (613)612-8363 or via email reflexologytracey@gmail.com, to book your appointment. I am so thankful for all that our frontline workers have done! We are all in this together.